Sunday, June 11, 2006

Sarah Update!

Hey all!!
Yep, Graduation came!!! Yahoo!!!
Had a great time, enjoy the pics.
Sarah has moved back to Kamloops and is living in our house!! Things are going quite well. She is working at Converges which is an American Express Call center---she does not do telemarketing, but she is suppose to try to sell stuff to the customers that call in. She has brutal hours, starts at 5:00am! Which means she's up at 4:00 or whenever the snooze button stops getting pressed. She's been at it for a week so she's in the training period.
Caleb and Micah just got back from serving for a day at Gospel Street Mission in Vancouver. They are just about done Grade 8.
We also are looking forward to our neice moving in soon, she wants to work in Kamloops for the summer, plus Megan (our previous border) is here somewhere too!!
Good thing its summer so we can spread to the outside!! Also, have some plans for a bathroom in the basement....must get on that!!
Thanks for your prayers and continue to pray and don't forget those prayers of thanks!!! Thinking of you all!!
Please comment annonymously or fire off an email:
cheers, Claudette

Sunday, June 04, 2006


Hello there, I just got high speed internet so I thought I would try sending some pictures. Most of the pictures are up on the Toad River, May long weekend (it rained & rained & the river rose & rose) and some are on the Muskwa River last weekend.
The one picture of Alanna standing on the rock in the big muddy area is a natural mineral lick up at Toad River hot springs. It is just a tiny hot springs. There were lots of moose & deer there untill the kids drove them out walking in the lick.
Last weekend up the Tuchodi river, which is a fast rocky river Cally jumped of the wrong side of the boat when it was tied and went down the river. One of the boys saw & we chased her down & by the time we ran down through the trees she had made it to shore. By that time 10 people were chasing her, Gord was in his underwear about to go in & I was holding Alanna because she was about to jump in too. Scared me half to death!! At least it wasn't Danielle!!
Well email me back if you get my email. Talk to you later. Corey

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Some Changes.....

Well, I finally got back on here. Hope you enjoy the newer photos.
Actually, since my last update, Cliff's plans have changed somewhat.
He is actually working as a pre-apprentice or 1st year apprentice. I'm not exactly sure, but anyway he's working!!!!!!!!!
This is much better than going to school, cuz you know, income!! (Instead of just expenses!) He can work 1000 hours which credits him the same as 5 months of school. He's working for a great guy who just started his own electrical company Rooham Electric and this guy has an even better wife (kinda like Cliff)! I work with his wife!
Anyway, Cliff is one of 3 employees and yes, the lowest on the totem pole, being the only 1st year on the job, so he gets all the fun jobs, like crawling in rafters, etc. But he's loving it (other than the sore knees).
We've finished up AWANA for the year, so we've been concentrating on the yard, house, etc.
Sarah will be graduating next week!!!! She's really proud of herself and we are too!! If you want to send your congrats you can email
She's got a job here in Kamloops, so we should be seeing more of her.
I'll have to snap some pics of her when she's around! I see I don't really have any for the blog.
Anyway, enjoy the photos we do have!
If you want to send pics (AMANDA)or whatever my email is
Okay, take care!
Love you all

The Armour of God

Year End Awards---AWANA

Micah and Caleb earned some scukum trophies!!

Spring Work

Cliff added a waterfall to our pond. It took Forever to get the water flowing down, instead of off the side of rocks! And, turned out kinda small, no one seems to notice it, till we point it out!

Sarah Visits in January

Yep, PIGS! Sarah, Billy (nephew)

March 2006

Yeah, I always mess up the photos by talking!!!

March 2006 at Bonnie's Place

Caleb, Jim, Micah
Alexander, Dawson

Easter 2006

Yeah, they never get too old!!!

59 Degrees

This is our 1st Swim of the year. I think it was May 6th. The wet one is Caleb. We also had some friends over and the dad (who happens to be our Pastor) paid his kids $5 to jump in----it's worth the entertainment!!!! Yeah, we're kinda sick parents!!!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Finally an UPDATE!!

Hey, yeah, cuz you know, I haven't got all that much time!!!
But glad ya' all check back to look for updates!
Life is rolling along.
Cliff is preparing to attend TRU for electrical trade appretiship prep course starting in May.
So that means our summer is fully booked, cuz he'll be in school till October.
But heh! OUR RESORT is always open to all!!!
So you'll have to come visit us, cuz I don't see any road trips happening this summer!
I've been working a few overtime shifts to try and make up the difference.
Cliff of course has taken over the house, cooking, shopping, cleaning, etc.
We are looking forward to spring and getting OUT of the house!!
Sarah is finishing up grade 12 and should finish soon.
Caleb and Micah are enjoying Grade 8 at the Christian School, so looks like they'll continue there in Grade 9. They are also involved in youth and youth bible study at church.
We are busy with AWANA every Wednesday. Cliff is now on the Deacon's board at church.
So life is moving along like usual.
So please post a comment. Also, if you email me any photos I will post them here for all to enjoy!!
Jeremiah 29:11

Intimidating Poker Champion

Caleb takes his game very seriously!
So does Micah; he took the game to his Christian
High School, but wasn't allowed to play it!!!

Rayleigh's Poker Tour

Billy, Cliff, Joe
New Years 2005-06

Micah played a solo on his sax at the Christmas concert at church. He's here practicing. (The church pic of him was too dark to post)

We lit an advent candle at Christmas at church. Caleb was all prepared to read, but then got "stage fright" so I had to read for him!!!

This is dad's neice/my cousin Andrea (Rae's daughter). She married a fellow from 100 Mile and was there for Christmas so they came for a visit. She's an elementary school teacher in the lower mainland.

The Mat says it all!

Christmas at 100 Mile 2005

Grandma and Sarah playing a little soccer at like, midnight!!! (Christmas)

Furrer Ranch

This is one of the barns at Cliff's Dad's ranch. We visited there at Christmas.