Monday, March 06, 2006

Finally an UPDATE!!

Hey, yeah, cuz you know, I haven't got all that much time!!!
But glad ya' all check back to look for updates!
Life is rolling along.
Cliff is preparing to attend TRU for electrical trade appretiship prep course starting in May.
So that means our summer is fully booked, cuz he'll be in school till October.
But heh! OUR RESORT is always open to all!!!
So you'll have to come visit us, cuz I don't see any road trips happening this summer!
I've been working a few overtime shifts to try and make up the difference.
Cliff of course has taken over the house, cooking, shopping, cleaning, etc.
We are looking forward to spring and getting OUT of the house!!
Sarah is finishing up grade 12 and should finish soon.
Caleb and Micah are enjoying Grade 8 at the Christian School, so looks like they'll continue there in Grade 9. They are also involved in youth and youth bible study at church.
We are busy with AWANA every Wednesday. Cliff is now on the Deacon's board at church.
So life is moving along like usual.
So please post a comment. Also, if you email me any photos I will post them here for all to enjoy!!
Jeremiah 29:11

Intimidating Poker Champion

Caleb takes his game very seriously!
So does Micah; he took the game to his Christian
High School, but wasn't allowed to play it!!!

Rayleigh's Poker Tour

Billy, Cliff, Joe
New Years 2005-06

Micah played a solo on his sax at the Christmas concert at church. He's here practicing. (The church pic of him was too dark to post)

We lit an advent candle at Christmas at church. Caleb was all prepared to read, but then got "stage fright" so I had to read for him!!!

This is dad's neice/my cousin Andrea (Rae's daughter). She married a fellow from 100 Mile and was there for Christmas so they came for a visit. She's an elementary school teacher in the lower mainland.

The Mat says it all!

Christmas at 100 Mile 2005

Grandma and Sarah playing a little soccer at like, midnight!!! (Christmas)

Furrer Ranch

This is one of the barns at Cliff's Dad's ranch. We visited there at Christmas.